Practice Areas

Napa Criminal Defense Lawyer


Conor has handled hundreds of DUI cases and seen every possible defense: from “no drive” to “rising blood alcohol level” to “unlawful stop”. Even if you have no strong defense and intend to plead guilty, he will make minimize jail time and the seriousness of the final plea.


Conor has handled hundreds of general felony cases, ranging in seriousness from car theft to attempted murder. He knows which cases to take to trial and which to plea out. He can advocate on your behalf in bail hearings. He’ll know when there is an opportunity to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor.


Conor has experience handling misdemeanor offenses such as theft, assault, and public indecency. Where possible, he will work to get cases dismissed or try to win “not guilty” verdicts at trial. In other cases, he will be your advocate to ensure that the final charges and possible jail time are minimal.


If you were previously convicted of a crime and paid your debt to society, the conviction shouldn’t hold you back. Conor will help you get your record expunged so that you can finally put your experience in the criminal justice system behind you.

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Conor is also a co-founder of CACE Answers, a non-profit counseling service for NCAA student-athletes