How Much Does A DUI Cost in California?

Oct 01, Law Office of Conor Bell

No one plans to get charged or arrested for a DUI, but it could have disastrous effects on your life. You may find the situation overwhelming and stressful, wonder how much a DUI costs in California, and question whether you should hire an attorney. You may have many other unanswered, crucial questions.

Potential Costs and Penalties in a California DUI Case

When considering the cost of a DUI, the most significant factors to take into account are fines and legal fees. However, non-financial costs, such as jail time, can be devastating as well.

There are many potential consequences for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol in California. A DUI can be punished with:

  • Fines
  • Jail time
  • Community service, and
  • more

Fines, jail time, and community service can vary depending on whether your DUI is a repeat offense and, if so, how many you’ve been convicted of in the past. It’s also important to consider attorney fees in the total cost of a DUI. Legal fees can vary based on many factors, from the attorney’s level of experience to the time they spend on your case.

However, investing resources in the right defense lawyer can help save money over the next few years. Attention to the details of every individual case allows your attorney to identify the legal grounds to challenge a prosecutor’s DUI case.

A California Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help Fight DUI Charges

Unfortunately, even a first DUI conviction can take a dramatic toll on your life. This charge could result in license suspension, jail time, heavy fines, and potential trouble finding work in the future.

A DUI allegation is serious, and it is vital you take immediate steps to fight the charges. Whether or not this is your first DUI charge, you are advised to retain an attorney who can answer your questions and defend against your charges. An experienced DUI lawyer can give you the most effective legal defense possible.

Reasons to Hire an Experienced DUI Defense Attorney

A DUI conviction can result in penalties and cause anxiety and stress, but the help of an experienced attorney is invaluable. Having an attorney on your team to explain exactly what can occur following a DUI can give you a better chance of preventing some of the harshest punishments.

Having an experienced attorney for your DUI charges allows you to work together to present your case strategically. A lawyer might be able to reduce the charges or greatly reduce any penalties. With a knowledgeable attorney by your side, you can challenge the account of your arrest.

An experienced lawyer can help you resolve your case with more favorable terms to allow you to put the whole ordeal behind you and move on with your life. Don’t leave your future in the hands of an attorney who doesn’t focus on criminal law.


What Is the Average Cost of a DUI in California?

In California, the average cost of a DUI can vary depending on several factors, including:

  • The specific case circumstances
  • Court costs
  • Fines
  • Increased car insurance premiums
  • Department of Motor Vehicle fees
  • DUI school
  • Attorney fees (if you hire one) and/or
  • Associated expenses

If someone is injured or dies, the costs could total an exorbitant amount. If you are facing a DUI charge, seek a consultation with experienced legal professionals for personalized advice based on your specific situation.

How Can an Attorney Help Me Avoid Conviction?

Skilled defense lawyers can help keep costs lower, and help argue:

  • You were stopped without probable cause
  • You weren’t’ “under the influence” of alcohol
  • The breathalyzer was inaccurate
  • Your Miranda rights were violated, or
  • Other valid legal defenses.

In our experience, represented people often achieve more positive results and may even avoid conviction for their DUI.

Will I Have a Permanent Criminal Record for a DUI?

You will have a permanent criminal record after a DUI conviction unless you get an expungement, which erases the criminal DUI conviction. Expungement is available to those who were sentenced to and successfully completed DUI probation.

To get an expungement, you must file a petition with the court, which a judge reviews. If the judge grants the expungement, you will be allowed to withdraw the underlying plea. Then, you enter a new plea of “not guilty,” and the case is dismissed and expunged from your record.

What Is the Penalty for a First-Time DUI in California?

A first-time DUI offense in California usually results in a fine of up to $1,000, a license suspension of up to ten months, and mandatory jail time of at least 48 hours. In our experience, your judge may impose other punishments (like a driving education program or probation).

Is It Worth Fighting a DUI in California?

It is worth fighting a DUI received in California, especially if it is a first-time DUI offense. If a case has strong defense evidence, it is possible for the DUI charges to be dismissed.

The long-term fallout of having a DUI stretches beyond any criminal penalties and could keep you from getting:

  • Work
  • Housing
  • Loans
  • Acceptance to a college
  • Financial aid, and/or
  • A professional license.

In some situations, a DUI could cause immigrants to be deported, especially if drugs or child passengers were involved.

Get Expert Legal Help for DUI Cases

As an experienced local Northern California attorney, Conor Bell’s rapid responsiveness to client questions following a DUI is one of his fundamental goals. The penalties for a California DUI might surprise you, and you’re advised to discuss all legal options and defenses with a seasoned attorney like Conor Bell. The most important step after a DUI arrest is to act to retain a skilled attorney. Remember, you are not alone after your DUI arrest, and we are here for you at all stages of the DUI process.

We are committed to helping if you land in legal trouble. Consult the Law Office of Conor Bell today to discuss your DUI options. Call us or contact us online right away to schedule a consultation at our office.